EC2 creation

 Steps to create EC2 instance:

Step 1: Sign in to AWS. The AWS Management Console will open.

Note: You need to provide credit/debit card information for your new account.

Step 2: In service, click on EC2, or type "EC2" in the search box and then click Enter.

Step 3:
In the EC2 Dashboard, click on the Launch Instance button.

Step 4: Provide a name for the instance.

Step 5:  Choose an Amazon Machine Image(AMI)
Scroll and select.

Step 6: Choose an Instance type.

Step 7: Create a key pair "public" and "private" keys that will be used for securely connecting to your instance from your computer.
The public key will be  a part of your EC2 instance configuration  and the private key will be kept on your local PC or Mac.

Step 8: In the Network settings, choose Select existing security group.

Step 9: Click on the Launch Instance in the lower right.


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